Below is a list of links that will direct you to the affiliates of the Western Pennsylvania Electrical JATC. All of our affiliates play a unique role of advancing the interests of apprentice and journeyman electrical workers at the local, state and national level.

IBEW Local 5
IBEW Local 5 is the Pittsburgh chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Pittsburgh Electrical Workers JATC is partnered with IBEW Local 5 in order to provide Local 5 with the most prepared, highly trained electrical workers in the area.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is an international organization that represents approximately 750,000 members in the United States and Canada. The IBEW is made up of smaller Local Unions that collectively bargain for fair wages, better benefits and rights for their members.

electrical training ALLIANCE
The Electrical Training ALLIANCE (ETA) is the largest training program for electrical workers. Through program development the etA provides local training centers with the proper materials to train apprentices.

The National Electrical Contractors Association is an association made up of electrical contractors throughout the United States. NECA has a jurisdiction map and area chapters in every section of the country. The goal of NECA is to help every electrical contractor reach their full potential.

Pittsburgh Building and Construction Trades Council (Builders Guild)
The Pittsburgh Regional Building Trades Council represents 19 different union craft sectors throughout the greater Pittsburgh area. The Pittsburgh Building and Construction Trades Council does their part in advocating for causes friendly to those they represent.

Pennsylvania Building Trades
The Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council is comprised of 16 different regional councils, representing more than 115 local unions from 15 international Building Trades unions.

The Pennsylvania Apprentice Coordinators Association (PACA) was created to promote and improve Registered Apprenticeship Programs throughout the state of Pennsylvania. The goal of PACA is to peak the interest of the next generation of trades workers.

The Community College of Allegheny County is a two-year college located in Allegheny County offering 160 degree, certificate, diploma and transfer pathways. CCAC and the Pittsburgh Electrical JATC have partnered to offer apprentices a pathway to an associates degree.